what else, but cookies?
9:49 a.m. - 2006-02-25

Last night we sold cookies at a Bl0ckbuster. They let us sell inside because it was raining. It was A. and myself, the troop leader, and another mom with her daughter. Our two little girls were so cute with their pitch that they sold a lot of cookies. Many people started out saying no, and ended up buying two or three boxes. One guy came in with his girlfriend and he pulled out a bunch of $20 dollar bills. He asked our two girl scouts what kind of cookies they liked, and he asked his girlfriend what she liked and then he bought them all. It was so cool to buy A. and her friend a box of cookies. Plus, he smelled really good. Another guy came in with his girlfriend or wife and he was super hot. We had to hold the other mom back from going over there to "check out the new releases". There was one man who was just handing the girls dollar bills while his wife picked out her cookies. I need to talk to A. about that, though. It was very nice, but I don't want her to think it is okay to accept money from people unless I am there. The night went by quickly, and I had a lot of fun. Afterwards, we all went to Pizz@ Inn. We ate a lot of food and then we sat around and talked. The two girl scouts had their own table, so I actually got a lot of grown up time that was nice for a change. I know I have mentioned this before, but I am very shy. This whole g.s. experience has been great for A.; but at the same time, I am making new friends too.
At school, my student teacher was hired and now she is buddies with the other teacher on our grade level. That's great, but they completely leave me out of everything. I was trying really hard, and I even told them I wanted to be included. They just ignored my pleas, so I just stopped trying. It just seems to me that if someone helped you get your job, you would be more pleasant to them. I would never hold that over her head or anything, but I can think it.
I am going to try to do as little as possible this weekend. That is, I am going to try to do as little as possible outside of my apartment. I have a lot of housework to catch up on.
I am reading My Friend Le0nard which is a good read; but since it turned out the two books he wrote were embellished, I'm kind of not enjoying it as much as the first book (A Milli0n Little Pieces). I am intrigued by it, though.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness