9:41 p.m. - 2005-11-16

Internet problems at home have caused me not to write (cuz when I CAN get on, it's all about understand). I am too paranoid to even pull up diaryland at work because of some article I read about a teacher getting fired for having a blog.
Saturday, we leave on our cruise. A. and I are hitting the high seas. Five days of no cooking and cleaning. Wait, I don't cook and clean anyway. Okay, I do too. I just could do a lot better if I didn't have this stinkin' job. Work gets in the way of all the fun things in life.
I have so much to write about my students. I just wish I could take each and every one of them and make them into the person that they are supposed to be. This year, I have some extremely needy children.
A. and I are currently watching the first season of Lost. It is probably too scary and morbid for her to watch. As I was telling my sister-in-law, she already sleeps with me anyway...what's the difference? She went about a month this summer sleeping by herself, then it vanished into thin air.
Another reason for my lack of updates is that I kind of got tired of this being my place to vent. A lot of good things are happening, but I always tend to write from a negative perspective.
A. is studying India in her TAG class. The whole family went out to an Indian restaurant Saturday. We had a great time. It was really a venture outside of our comfort zone. We ended up loving the food. We all want to go back.
I am planning on keeping a paper journal on the cruise. I think that has been part of the problem on reporting back here about things. I barely even talked about the last cruise in here. Then I just stopped writing about the whole family reunion thing.
I'm going to try to do better.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness