2:49 p.m. - 2005-08-21

I never thought I would say this, but I hate shopping. I overshopped yesterday in the wrong kind of shoes. I think I went to a total of six stores. In the morning, A. and I went to Target. We had a long list to fill, and we had to buy for my mom as well. We ended up pushing two carts around. Nightmare. After that, I took A. to her sleepover and I went to the teacher store. Then I headed out to the country for what I thought was a relaxing evening. I call my ex-roommate and she tells me they are waiting for me to arrive so we can all go to the STORE! Aggghhh! First, we stop off at the Wal-Mart. It was going out of business, so I bought Br@tz dolls for S@nta time at around $4 each. Then we went to a Super S@ver. Then we went to some other crap store across the road. Then we went to the gas station for beer. Then we went to a Br00kshire's for more groceries. I wanted to commit hari kari or something. Okay I didn't even go into the last two places. That's how sick of shopping I was. I am hoping I have enough stuff here from Target to avoid stores for at least a week.
A. is recovering from her sleepover. I hope she will be all chipper for school in the morning. Ya. Right.
I need a vacation.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness