2:47 p.m. - 2005-08-14

I don't know if I want to teach anymore. Do I say this every year? I want to work at a grocery store or something. Don't get me wrong, that's hard work too. But it has an END. You punch out and you go home. The end.
We went to church this morning. I've been going to religious education classes. A.'s classes start in Sept.
Last Wed., my mom gave us a scare. She wasn't answering the phone. When she did, she was just moaning. I was driving to work. A. had spent the night with a teacher's daughter, so I had to go to work to get her. By the time I got to work, I had the ambulance, my sister-in-law, my aunt and my uncle all at my mom's house. The first thing my mom said when she became coherent was, "I'm not going." They did take her to the hospital, but she wasn't admitted. Her blood sugar was dangerously low. She goes to bed too early, and then goes all night without eating. So she's adjusted her snacks and such. Seeing her in the hospital like that made me really think about having more patience with her. She is like a little girl. Then when I got her home, she immediately started getting on my nerves again. I'm going to work harder on that because she's obviously not going to change.
I DON'T WANT TO GO TO WORK TOMORROW! Did I say that already? Where did this weekend go? Seriously, where did it go? Ahhhh yesterday we spent the day getting our hair and nails done. It takes time to be beautiful. Time and money. Time and money.
I'm going to take a nap now. Please don't pull into my apartment complex and honk your horn one million times. Thank you.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness