it's been awhile
8:24 p.m. - 2005-04-15

Things are so much better today. Our principal took us bowling for our staff development. That rocked.
Teaching first grade will not be so bad. I think I may actually love it.
Having a roommate is great. Guess what...she thinks neighbor boy is cute too.
I'm hoping to see tuff517 tomorrow night. A. is hoping to show her a new dance.
A. is seeing the counselor at school about controlling her temper, and it is really working. Perhaps I should see her? I can really be a big baby sometimes (thinking of my reaction when I was told I had to move to 1st grade).
My plan when I had A. baptized Cath0lic as an infant was to become a Cath0lic myself by the time she turned 5 and needed to start classes. Now she is 7, and I haven't done a darn thing about that. I am going to take action on that very soon.
Did I mention bowling was so much fun today? I am glad I am staying at that school.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness