I l0ve you cuz I have t0
7:52 p.m. - 2004-12-15

mmkay...I'm a little stressed out because I have about 1,000 things due by Friday OR ELSE. However, I'm also excited for Friday to come because: We are wearing our pajamas to school! yay! We are going to read P0lar Express and drink hot chocolate in our pajamas. Mine have the H@ppy Bunny with his hands over his ears, and they say, "NOT LISTENING!" Then my slippers say, "It's cute how you think I'm listening." Heh! Can. Not. Wait.
I guess I went on and on about this one construction worker. Finally, a teacher (male) who listened to me everyday, approached the guy. I don't know whether to be mad or relieved. I guess I always thought it was healthy fantasizing. Now it could actually turn into date material.
Oh the best book ever for single women is this one: He's Just N0t That Int0 Y0u. I'm telling you, you must have it. Okay, why are you still reading this? Go get that book, sister. You probably saw it on 0prah. It's funny.
We've done a lot of artsy craftsy things this week. I'm kinda tired of it. We did wreaths, reindeers, letters to S@nta. Tomorrow, we are doing snowflakes.
Speaking of snowflakes, a good website for teachers to see is robertssn0w dot com (replace the zero with the actual letter "o").
I went to the museum on Sunday with two of my teacher friends. We had lunch, attended a book reading of P0lar Express (read by Mr. Peppermint...we were on the elevator with him and I whispered, "That looks like Mr. Peppermint, but he died." I guess he did not die.) Then we had our copies of the book autographed by the author (who spoke after the book reading, by the way). I felt very Eur0pean having lunch at the museum and stuff. I guess because all those foreign language books talk about are visiting museums and art galleries and places like that.
Just when I think my boss should go jump in the lake, he does something cool like appreciate me. Go him.
I spent about a million dollars yesterday at some book warehouse. I bought mostly books for my classroom. I have decided to organize all my classroom books into seasons. This has resulted in a big pile on my carpet. The end.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness