The sheriff's @fter me...
4:22 p.m. - 2004-11-20

I am very sad because I took Lily (our dwarf hamster) to the animal hospital today. Her left eye was all red looking. Well, she has lost sight in it. Now we have to try to save the eye itself. If not, it must be removed. I just feel like I should have caught it sooner, but how in the world could I have known?
I went out last night and had a good time. We went to a dinner/happy hour and then out to a club. I did not get wasted, and I did not get laid. I came home, picked up my daughter and went to sleep.
This morning, A. had a basketball game. She is really learning a lot. She can really hustle on the court. On a selfish note, I do not like the team she is on this time around. I am the only single mother, and no one is very friendly. The last team was all single parents and everyone was so nice. There is no relevance, but I feel like I should mention that the team she is on now is all white folks and the previous team had none. Also, these people are much younger than me and are on their second or third baby. Maybe I am not friendly. I don't know. I sit by myself. Today she played her old team, and I realized how much I missed sitting and talking during a game.
I wonder what it would be like to teach children who were perfect? It would probably be boring. I just wish I didn't have thieves in my class. That is a major pet peeve for me.
I am really proud of myself for something. Remember the last guy I dated? Well, I'm really proud that I realized he wasn't the one for me. I'm glad that I was able to move on so quickly. I think it shows that I have come a long way. I don't need someone. If the right person comes along, they will simply be an enhancement to my life...not become or consume my life. I am relieved that my dark days of trying to fix people are over.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness