nadien para mi
9:24 p.m. - 2004-06-27

Today, I got a pedicure. A. got her fingers and toes painted. Then she stayed with my niece while my sister-in-law and I ate lunch at a tea room. That was fun. Then we all went swimming. I wore one of my new bikinis.

I'm leaving for Mexico on Wednesday, and I'll be back by Friday. I doubt I'll be able to write while I'm there. Heh! So, don't worry about me. I'll be passed out in the streets of Pr0gresso with tequila coming out of my eyes. Fun for all. I'm kidding. I'm going there for dental work. The tequila will be merely for the pain. HA! I'm sure getting my teeth whitened will not hurt. Hey wouldn't it be cool if I got my belly pierced in Mexico?????

It feels great knowing that I don't have to get up for work tomorrow. However, there's plenty of work to do here. Plus, I crammed all my teaching stuff into my mom's garage. I need to get that kind of together.

I watched Paycheck and L0ve Actually. They were both good.

I have stopped writing in my livej0urnal. There's no reason to write in there anymore. There never really was a reason to begin with. I like it here...where it's familiar and where I spew my guts out everyday. Besides, men suck.

I bought a pretty teacup and saucer today.

I'm still reading The N@mesake.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness