I might like u better if we slept 2gether.
9:10 p.m. - 2004-06-14

That's as long as I could stand that sad entry being up there.

I have good things to say, ya know. First of all, I have about 5 more pounds to lose until I reach my goal (not that I'm done). Then I'm going to pierce my belly. Who cares if I'm 35? I'm a hot piece of a$$. HAH! Just kidding...or am I? Guess what else I'm going to get...a bikini. Well I might. I had a bad experience with a bikini when I was young, though. I'm still scarred.

I got my eyebrows waxed yesterday. That hurts a lot! It was a delayed pain, and then my forehead swelled up. I felt like a caveman.

Oh man this is not a good thing...I don't think. This morning I couldn't lock/unlock more door for shit. I'm still having trouble. Did someone try to break in my apartment? Why would my key all of a sudden be so difficult? And then, there's been this man staring at my apartment all day. I hate to be paranoid, BUT THAT'S JUST HOW I AM! Fucking ghetto. I've been trying to get the guts to ask a neighbor for help. Now it's getting dark, and I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea (come over and help me with my lock....yah right!).

My hair needs cutting, coloring and highlighting. I'm so broke, though.

Oh tomorrow is my meeting with my new Spanish language book club. I'm kinda excited about it. I guess you know that because I keep bringing it up!

You know what I'd really like to do? I would love to interview people on the red carpet. Who would be good with me? I would say, tuff517; but I know what would happen. We would start laughing. I would probably fall down and piss myself and the carpet. I wouldn't want Ant0nio to see me like that.

There's a sh0wboat on A.'s basketball team who looks like lil b0w w0w. Today he was telling A., "See that round thing up there? You're supposed to put the ball in THERE!" I wanted to squash him, but his dad yelled at him for it. heh!


"Like violence you have me, forever, and after.

Like violence you kill me, forever and after."


"What else should I be

All apologies

What else could I say

Everyone is g@y

What else could I write

I don't have the right

What else should I be

All apologies"

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness