7:58 p.m. - 2004-02-03

My classroom has windows of internet. Mostly, I don't have it. Every once in a while, it comes on. It's kinda cool because I get a lot more teaching done. Yet, I still have a little window of time to catch up on e-mail, etc.

I'm in a dilemma as far as what to do for next year. Is it possible to like someone, but to think that they are a lousy teacher? I like the girl in the class next to me except she sucks at discipline. Plus, every parent conference she says the same damn thing, "He/she is sooooo smart." She has said it about a retained student and a special ed student. I mean, come on. Think of something else to say like, "She/he tries really hard." Anyway her whole goal is to have all the students love her and all the parents like her. I cannot stand the way she acts around the kids. And they play her like a fiddle...trust me. Oh, so my point was...I don't think I can work with her. Have I found anyone that I can work with? Good point.

I'm bitching too much, and Alyssa is waiting to get on the computer. Bye.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness