I teach because...
8:58 p.m. - 2004-01-23

The reason why I teach came back to me today. Actually, she arrived on Wednesday. They put her in another teacher�s class. The teacher started freaking out, �I don�t speak Spanish!! What am I going to do????� I told her that she needed to calm down for one thing. Then, I said I would take her. She didn�t want that because it would make her look bad. So, she just tried to get rid of her. They shipped her off to another school. They tried to put her in a newcomer�s program. She came back today. I guess it didn�t work out. I was thrilled. This is what I do. This is what I was originally certified in (teaching English to second language learners). She has been in the United States for 5 days. I was prepared for a new student right down to a welcome bag with a pencil and a no homework coupon. I passed out my students little name card tents. I told them they had to use them again until she learned their names. As they got them from me, they said, �Hi M.!� to her. She said, �Hi�. She knows how to say hi because she said it 21 times today. She knows how to count to five already. I made sure she knows how to ask to go to the restroom. And what a great day to start in my class as today was basically a movie and recess. A teacher came in my room and told me how I needed to send her back to 3rd grade for Spanish instruction at least two hours a day. I refused. She said, �What? Are you just going to let her sit here?� I informed her that I was an ESL teacher and that I have been doing this for 12 years. I have many strategies, and this little girl will be just fine. I got some materials from the bookroom (flashcards, etc.). I took some to her brother�s teacher. I showed her the newcomer�s workbook that I especially liked. She said, �And who is going to teach all of this??? You???� I said, �Sure. I�ll teach him too.� People forget that the goal of ESL is to teach English. You don�t have to speak Spanish to teach ESL because many ESL students are not even Spanish speakers. They could be from any country. At recess, we played Red R0ver. She made sure she was holding my hand every time. I saw her with my other girls. I know they will help her so much. We had our awards assembly this afternoon. I have a very ambitious homeroom. Everyone in my homeroom received an award. When I began to realize that my new girl was going to be sitting all by herself in this huge auditorium, I called her up to my side. She helped me pass out the awards. I can�t wait until Monday. She is going to label my room with words that I printed out tonight (words like chair, desk, clock, etc.). I am inspired again. She is the message that I needed to keep going. This is why I teach. It�s not for the money. It�s not for the testing. It�s not for the appreciation. It�s for her. Thanks, Lord. I hear you.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness