jelly life
8:44 p.m. - 2003-11-18

If you're wondering how many times you can drop a cell phone on the cement before it stops working, the answer is twice. Yep.

Today, I felt great. I felt like I looked great. Just now when I got undressed, I realized my bra has been on inside out all day. What does that mean exactly? And how did I not notice when I was fastening it?

There are two people at work that are bugging the crap out of me. When that happens, you can't do anything right by me. I get out of control irritated. It's horrible the way I get. I am really fed up.

I finished my little class tonight and did my presentation. I'm going to miss those people. They were good folks. I'll miss you, Kay, Patsy and Kathy (I think it was Kathy?).

Oh, did I mention that Thanksgiving is at MY apartment this year? Yes, I so did. So, I bought this sugar, creamer, salt and pepper shaker set with an autumn theme.

Tonight, I went to get lay-away out from Hellmart. I expected to be in this huge ass line all night. I kinda was looking forward to the whole bonding with other lay-away customers in line thing. But I was also very excited not to have to wait. Anyway, Christmas is taken care of for the most important person. Now, I have to worry about the rest of the people. I am seriously considering making jelly. First, I have to figure out how to make jelly.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness