Everyday is Friday
10:32 a.m. - 2003-07-11

Question of the day: "Mom, why is Bear in the Big Blue House naked?"

Things I have thought about doing to people who pull up in apartment complexes and honk loudly and repeatedly:

1. throw an egg at their car

2. come out on my patio and take pictures of their car (that would make me nervous)

3. go out on my patio and pretend to put a voodoo curse on them

4. learn real voodoo and really put a curse on them

Last night when I had already shut my computer down, I realized I didn't mention anything good in my entry. So, here is what I should have said: Well, I did it! I finished the photo albums. I am all caught up. From now on, everything goes straight into the album as soon as I get it. You really wouldn't believe the strange places I put photos in this apartment. Plus, I finished with Alyssa's room.

I'm stuck in a reading limbo right now. I was heavily, heavily into East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I stopped on page 500 because I was way ahead of anyone in the book club. So, I loaned the book to my sister-in-law for her to read. Now, I don't know what to do. If I start another book, I will muddle the plots and characters. Then I won't remember East of Eden as well when I pick it back up. I should have never done that.

You know...all the times I bitch during the school year about my job? Well, this is the part that I live for...summer. It makes me glad I do what I do.

For those of you who use the computer at home and at work and whereever else, I found a site that might be worth your while. It's backflip.com. It will hold all your bookmarks for you, and you can organize them however you want. See! I'm even organizing my computer!

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness