4:12 p.m. - 2003-03-02

This was going to be an all-meat entry, but I have to talk about my foot first. Actually, I guess part of my foot is made out of meat. Ew. Anyway, the podiatrist said I definitely do have arthritis, and probably did have a gout flare up this summer. I don�t have to get special shoes. I just get special insoles�if my insurance approves it. If the pain gets really bad and the insoles don�t work, I have to have reconstructive surgery. I forgot what he said was wrong with my foot. There was actually a word. Basically, it�s fucked up. It got that way because I was too long in the uterus, and my feet were pressed against the wall. It�s all my mom�s fault! Haha not really.

Okay, I made this really delicious roast yesterday. I�m still eating it today, and will be eating it tomorrow. Even though I cut this roast up and froze parts of it, I still have too much. Now, you have to read this diary about a meat man. Then go read this diary about some fish. Both of these entries will have you laughing out loud�guaranteed. Since we are talking about meat, you could read this diary about a penis-shaped meatloaf too. Now I�m thinking of this movie The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. I�m not really sure if that�s the correct title. In the end, this man kills his wife�s lover. She cooks up her lover and serves it to her husband. It was really gross, and I�ve never been quite right since I saw that movie. Nah, but it was weird ass shit.

Well, there you go�an all-meat entry�somewhat. And they said it couldn�t be done.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness