12:22 a.m. - 2003-01-04

I am supposed to be out tonight...out on the town. But after two weeks of not working, my energy level is at below zero. Plus, George of the Jungle was on the Disney Channel.

I just got new neighbors upstairs. They're noisy. I gave them moving in time. You know that time when things get dropped, moved and banged? It's been about 4 weeks now. They are elephants...literally. My daughter and I say to each other, "The elephants are home!" It helps ease her nerves because the noises were scaring her. So, I came up with the elephant thing. Even when they come up the stairs (and I live on the 2nd floor, so they go up to the 3rd floor), they are loud. Stomp, stomp, stomp! It's a couple, so I assumed it was the guy. But I looked out this morning, and it was the girl...noisy-ass bitch. They are young newlyweds (I can still see where they didn't get the shoe polish off of their car window.), and they are not friendly. You remember when you were young, and it was kind of an effort to be friendly because it was all about YOU and YOUR world? Well, it was for me. Now, I say hi to everyone because they are less likely to mug you if you acknowledge their presence! Anyway, what was my point? Oh yeah, I hope they only signed a six-month lease because my ass is stuck here in the ghetto. Where else can you get a 2 bedroom for $660 a month? Oh yeah? Well, you probably live in a smaller city where the cost of living is much lower.

Oh, and downstairs across the hall...I think the KKK moved in. Scurrry lookin'! I'm scared of people like that because my daughter is bi-racial (her 'father'-my second ex-husband-the really mean one-is Hispanic). I figure I would be annihilated because I am a traitor to the purity of the white race. Purity? Ask me where I came from. White people are the most mixed race ever. Anyhow, you know how racist people have that look...that thin-mouthed hatred look and those mean eyes? And one of the guys is bald with a tattoo on his neck...I think a spider. ummm-hmmm

People that are extreme on anything scare me. Like one time I was in a teacher's lounge, and the abortion topic came up. And this one chick was just doing a round-table saying, "How do you feel about abortion?" When it got to me, I picked up my tray and said, "I have to leave the room now." Okay, I have to add that we did a lot of round-table discussions that were weird at that school like, "Do you own a vibrator?" But I feel abortion is a much more sensitive issue, and everyone in that room was pro-life. I'm pro-you gotta do what you gotta do, and that's not up for discussion.

I was at that school today oddly enough. I helped a friend move her stuff out of her classroom. She's going through some tough times like finding out the guy she was going to marry is a complete psycho. Lucky for her, she found out before she got married. Yay, for people who can see the red flags and not deny them. Anyhow, she's pregnant and has moved out of state to be near her family. So, I helped her move her stuff because pregnant people can't lift things. But then I started to get really irritated because everyone was chatting and talking and I was the dumbass moving everything. Like I know your pregnant and you can't move stuff;but you can still say where to put it, or give appreciative remarks every now and then. But I remember the time when I was so pregnant that you could see my baby's elbow (or knee or whatever it was) going across my stomach, and my family was moving me out of Oak Cliff to be closer to them. I just sat in a rocking chair and watched everyone work their ass off (and watched that elbow thing going across...way cool). What goes around comes around, I guess.

But I think that one of my resolutions should be to get ruder. There was an incident at the meat counter on New Year's Day where a man cut in front of me not once, but twice. I am still kicking myself for not speaking up, and I keep coming up with all these things I COULD have said. Yeah, I know I need to let it go; but doesn't that suck to be run over on the first day of 2003? I have got to start speaking up.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness