an entry about a pig, Hell-Mart and cookies
9:03 p.m. - 2006-02-21

Well, I don't know if you could tell by my previous entry or not; but we went to the country this past weekend. We stayed with my ex-roommate and her boyfriend in their trailer. Yes, they got back together. I am happy for them, and I think she told me a lot of lies to make the break up justifiable when it wasn't justifiable at all. He cooked a turkey Sat. night, and it was damn good. He had his daughters for the weekend, so A. extremely happy and entertained. It was nice to get out of the city. As soon as I got there, I fell asleep on the couch. That's how relaxing it was. They want me to move out there. I just keep having to remind myself that she never paid me any rent (except for $100)because they are hinting around for me to help them buy a trailer. In a couple of weekends, I am going there sans A. for a cook off. It sounds like a lot of fun.
Oh, and let me tell you about this pig. We are all heading off to Hell-Mart on Sunday (the 2nd largest one in TX, don't get me started on that beautiful place). A. rode in the truck with the girls and their dad. E. (my ex-roommate) and I took my car because I didn't want to be stuck at Hell-Mart (little did I know, I would be the last to leave the store with $200 worth of crap). They pull out of the driveway in the truck and head on down the road. We pull out of the driveway and I see this little pig. It's so cute that I had to get out of the car. It came right up to me like a little dog. Unlike a dog, it began (for lack of a better term)snouting me. It was pushing me very hard all over with it's snout. My jeans were getting filthy, and I didn't know what it wanted from me. Petting it didn't seem to help matters. I couldn't seem to get away. I gave it a hot cheeto, but it didn't want that. Fortunately, I had an opened package of Thin M!nts in the car. It loved the cookies, and I was allowed to get back in my car. I just think that is the most hilarious thing ever. I don't know anything about pigs, but my on-line friend in CA says that they can smell when you have just eaten. We had just had a huge breakfast.
We had to work a cookie booth Friday night. It was cold as hell and it was in front of a Hell-Mart. This is a true Hell-Mart in the worst part of Dallas. To protect us, we had a father in his truck with a shotgun the entire time we were there. That made me feel very safe and at the same time, a little sad. I remember the days when I used to ride my bike to the store to buy candy. Sometimes we would ride our bikes as far as we could until we got tired and then rest before we headed back. This took hours. Nevermore.
I am hoping for a non-busy weekend. However, we still have two more Fridays of cookie booth sales.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness