sin ti est0y perdid0
6:25 p.m. - 2005-01-11

There was a period of time not too long ago where I was perfectly happy being alone. I�m not sure if it was for one hour or one month. I definitely remember feeling satisfied about things. At the moment, all I want is to forget that construction worker guy isn�t calling me. I want to forget that I am alone. I want to drown in my Marc0 Ant0ni0 Soliz cd (that Fl0rida guy accidentally left here). I want to drink a lot of wine and forget how similar my life is to that weirdo cop detective in Tw!sted. There is no salvation in men. I�ll bet you knew that. I knew that too. It�s hard to love a man anymore. It�s just not in me. Oh sure, I can say the words. I just don�t feel it. (Why didn�t you call me, construction worker guy? It�s driving me crazy. The teacher who gave you my number said you were very excited when you found out it was me. So what�s the deal?).
I actually feel like I want to stay at this school next year. I can�t really explain it, but I am leaning towards staying.
I bought a very expensive flat iron Saturday. A. and I are going to wear our hair straight now.
Oh you know what? It�s that time of the month. It seems like I feel this way about once a month. Whew! I�m not going into a crazy depression. Yay. Remember the last guy I dated? My friends like to refer to that one as The Corrective Date. Well, it was close to my time of the month then too. Do you think there is a correlation? Maybe my @ssh0le radar is on high gear then. I think I made a good decision on dumping both The C0rrector and Fl0rida guy. Don�t you?
Is it me? Am I a bitch? I just don�t have time for bullshit anymore. Umkay. I am making spaghetti and meatballs. Wanna come over?

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness