how do we sleep while our beds are burning?
9:07 p.m. - 2004-03-19

I did some nosing around yesterday on the internet. I found out that my first ex-husband is living in @llen, TX with his wife named Steph@nie. Then I got really creative and found out she was registered at T@rget for a baby. So I looked at her registry. The due date was March 1, and everything she requested was blue. How I feel about all this is a little jealous that I don't have a house, and that he is one of the reasons that my credit is so bad. Also, I think that leopards don't change their spots. So I feel really sorry for her because she's bringing a baby into the world with a diseased psychopath. Thank God I didn't have kids with that man. That's that. Then today I watched Under the Tusc@n Sun. Half way through the movie, I was going to move to Italy. Then, I realized that the men over there are no different.

Tonight on Pl@ying It Str@ight, I was completely shocked that Ryan was not gay. What was the whole farting thing about? I don't know any man, gay or straight, that plays like that. Oh wait, my brother does that. Nevermind.

Today I wore green Dickies, huge ass shoes and a muscle shirt to the car wash. Instead of saying, "Excuse me, I'm not really sure that the seats were shampooed." I said, "Hey man, I thought you said you were going to wash the seats. They're not even wet." The guy says, "Oh, I'm sorry they didn't do that. We'll do that right away. Sorry, sweetie!" Sweetie? I'm wearing Dickies, dude. humph.

Anyway, I don't know why but I got in the Dickie outlet store yesterday and I HAD TO HAVE Dickie's. I wasn't going to spend $36 on the girl's style. So I spent $18 each for two pair of Dickie workpants. Yeah, I don't know. I think I was thinking that I can wear them to school like a uniform. I caught a glimpse of myself in the car wash waiting room. Not attractive. I'm going to wear them anyway!

I've decided if cute neighbor boy (who has a girlfriend/wife/sister/close aunt?) glances up at me longingly (is it a longing glance or is he being nosey?), I'm going to say something to him. So far, I've come up with, "Hi."

I had this weird conversation with my brother's best friend who was in the car wash today. He was telling me that the L0rd of the Rings was ridden with Led Zeppel!n lyrics. Then my car was ready, so I didn't get to finish hearing about that.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness