9:40 p.m. - 2004-02-06

Just watched that movie with Lucy L!u and Ant0ni0 Banderas. The name is too complicated. Let's just call it Bl0w up everything. I just want to say that I hate to see my man all sad like that. I love him so much, and I hate to see him in pain. Also, Lucy totally rocks in this movie. Unfortunately, the plot was very fuzzy. Fuzzy plot.

Another weird dream last night that gave me an orgasm in real life. Then this morning I started my cycle. So, the dreams coincide with that time of the month.

Tonight my mom passed so much gas that Alyssa said, "Grandma, why do you toot so much?" Honest to God, I have never met someone who farts as often and nonchalantly as my mother. I could talk about this more, but I won't. You're welcome.

I feel so much better today. I highly recommend drinking hot tea all day to anyone who feels under the weather. It sounds like a minor thing, but it truly works.

I sure would like a bottle of wine right now. I was talking to two of the teachers I went to the lake with this summer. We all agreed that we need to go back and get DRUNK ASS DRUNK. Yeah. My kinda gals.

Hasta luego.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness