I can't believe it's only Tuesday
6:05 p.m. - 2003-12-16

Well, I went to the post office today. That is a big deal for me. I always put it off. I had to return these stupid pills that the people at Body F1ex sent me. By the way, don't ever order anything from them. It's a big rip-off, and they keep putting charges on your credit card. Anyway, so I mailed you that book, Dixie. They said it would take a really long time for it to get there. I think they were lying. So, let me know.

Now there is gang grafitti by the new place that I have been parking my car. I decided I might as well park it in front of my apartment. At least I can see it from my window. I told the office that I have been teaching school for 11 years, and I know that if you leave that stuff up there...it's only going to get worse. Also, this means that the little fuckers who messed with my car are either gang bangers, or wanna-be gang bangers. yay.

I also asked the office (for the 157th time) to please repair the mouse hole.

I think I called my mom 10,000 times today. She said she is upset because a lot of things needed repairing all at once. I said to think about it. The car wouldn't start in the garage for me. This is great because one of us could have gotten stranded somewhere. I knew it was the starter, but she wouldn't do anything about it. So, I had to call my brother to call her to tell her to do something. It was the starter, by the way. The phone jack needed repairing. I set up that appointment for her, and it didn't cost her a dime because she has in-line service. The roof needed repairing. It's done, and it was cheaper than she thought it would be. There were some plumbing problems that cost her less than a hundred bucks or so. My point is that it was all minor and the costs were minimal. She insists on worrying about it, though.

We are so going to watch Freaky Fr!day this Friday in class. My boys are bummed because they say it's a girl movie. I said, "Whatever! I can think of at least 3 guys in the movie right off the top of my head." They weren't buying it.

On top of dance and gymnastics, Alyssa has decided to start basketball. She's going to have to narrow it down in February, though. I can't afford all this!

This is the longest week ever because after this, I have two weeks off. Plus, the poor kids are being tested again. Nothing to do for me but wander around, dust the room and check my diaryland buddy list.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness