The prodigal son and the stripper
8:11 p.m. - 2003-05-08

Okay, I was evil sister and beloved daughter today. It was my mom's birthday. I bought her pajamas, handmade her card and had Alyssa give her one also. I called her first thing this morning to tell her Happy Birthday. We went over this evening to visit and take our baths (my tub is still not usable). Finally, around 7 p.m. I made the call. I called my brother's house on my cell...they didn't answer. I call his wife's answer. She calls me back. I ask, "Did you remember it was mom's birthday?" She calls to him, so obviously they saw my first call (their caller i.d. is on their damn t.v. for God's sake). Then the freak out begins...the scramble for a gift, the obligatory Happy Birthday phone call from the grandkids. Hehe. I couldn't not call because it would hurt my mom to go all day with nothing from them. But it was cool to call last minute. Hell, their lucky I call at all.

Okay, when I got home this afternoon this woman came over to talk to me. She said, "I just moved in, and I need to talk to someone. You're not going to believe what happened to me." She went on to tell me that she is a stripper, and last night while she was leaving work this man jumped in her car. She was holding a fistful of cash, and he bit her hand open and took her money. He robbed her of almost $200. The ironic thing is that she had just that minute when I pulled up found his wallet in her car. She was totally tripping out because here was all his personal information, and now he was going to get caught. I didn't want to discourage her about that because I happen to know that you can get robbed and never see the money again. So, I was just happy for her. Also, I encouraged her to get an escort to her car from now on. We went on to talk about other things. She was really nice. Her daughters looked well taken care of, and seemed behaved. She said that she looks totally different when she goes to work. Well, that was interesting. More interesting than that is that every single guy in this complex seems to know her. I just don't get it. These guys never leave the confines of this apartment dwelling. I sometimes think they must be under house arrest because they never leave here. So, how do they know a stripper? Odd.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness