Rosemary's baby
9:23 a.m. - 2003-04-27

You have been cheating on your husband with the same man for almost as long as you have been married. Recently, you decide to have a baby with your husband. After all, your lover is having a child with his new wife. You have blamed your lover all these years for not having a child. You say it is his fault that you cannot go off of birth control. You get pregnant and because you had sex with both men while you were ovulating, you have no idea who the father is. You lose the baby. A sign from God? You say it is. Yet, you continue to see your lover. Your lover's baby is born 6 weeks too early. She must stay in the hospital for an indefinite amount of time. Something is wrong with her. A sign from God? You don't see it. You continue. What will it take for you to stop? The end of your marriage? A marred reputation? No, you've left jobs because of that (people knowing that you were sleeping with him); but never stopped your affair. You say you love him, and he loves you. You buy him what he wants, pay for his food and drinks, take him on vacations that you pay for, give him free blow jobs and you think he loves you. You live in a distorted reality that revolves around you. I have never seen you say no to any man. You sometimes forget that I know all that you do. I have never seen you say no to ANY man. When you sing in the church choir, do you think about that? When you prepare your husband's dinner, do you think about that? And the next time you try to get pregnant, will you remember to only sleep with your husband? I know the answer because I've already gone through this with you twice. The first time, you turned out not to be pregnant. I begged you to go on the pill. You refused. The second time, you lost your baby. It's heart stopped for no reason. The third time, I don't know what the hell is going to spawn from your insides. I don't want to know. Request to be replaced as a friend respectfully submitted.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness