I'll bet you think this diary's about you, don't you?
9:33 a.m. - 2003-03-30

I have come to realize that most men are very shallow. Let me correct that statement: Most straight men are very shallow. It's not their fault. They are discouraged at a very early age from expressing their emotions. It would take a very special guy for me to ever have another relationship. Sure, dating is fun and sex is sometimes necessary. But my heart is just not in it anymore.

Well, sister-in-law had surgery Friday. Somehow, my mother has got me cooking meals for them. I wouldn't mind except that my mom's insanity makes me feel like I'm going insane. She wants to send a meal over that makes absolutely no sense. That's because she eats hodge podgily standing up all over the house. So, she thinks everyone else is happy with hodge podge. She also got mad at me yesterday because I couldn't fix her garage door. First of all, she was right in my face, so I couldn't even SEE the garage door. Then, she wouldn't be quiet so I could THINK about the garage door. So, I told her to go in the house. I mean she really got fiesty saying to my daughter, "Your mom's a grump! Anytime I ask her to do something, she gets mad." Sometimes I want to say, "I'm sorry, but you sent me to COLLEGE...not TRADE SCHOOL." Damn, I almost wish she would have put me through a trade school so I could do all the things she wants me to do to her car, her house, etc. To her, my days off are days that should be spent helping her. Then she drops all these hints about how she's paying my cousin all this money to do all this work around her house. Am I supposed to feel guilty? Because I don't. I have a job and a kid. He has neither. Don't even get me started on my cousin and my aunt. That's a weird ass entry that will probably take me some time to write. Okay, that was way too much about my mom. I love her, but she's become a loon.

Yesterday I read Holes by Louis Sachar. It's a great book. The movie is coming out in April. Joy and I are planning to tell our students where and when we will be to watch the movie so they can show up and watch it with us.

(5 o'clock in the morning, where you gonna be? Standin' on the corner?)

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness