New New Year's Resolution
6:13 p.m. - 2003-01-13

I�m reading a book called �Organizing From the Inside Out� by Julie Morgenstern. I found out from this book that one of my psychological obstacles that is keeping me from getting organized is my need for abundance. This need for abundance is inherited because I did not suffer any hardships growing up. My parents; however, grew up during The Great Depression. Later, they experienced WWII. They knew what it was like to be hungry. In order to survive, my father stole milk bottles from people�s porches for his family. His father died when he was 8. My mother grew up in a family of 14. We used to go grocery shopping about once a month when I was a child. We would spend anywhere from $300 to $500. We kept a separate stand alone freezer in the garage full of meat and other frozen goods. We also had a refrigerator in the garage for things that wouldn�t fit in the refrigerator in the kitchen. We kept bread and milk in the freezer just in case we ran out. I don�t ever remember running out of anything, or having to go to the store for some little something. We always had it. We had a cabinet for all the canned goods, and it was always full. Today, my mother lives alone and still buys toilet paper in packages of 24 rolls and paper towels in packages of 18. Are you tripping out? I am too because I never even gave any of this a second thought until I picked up this book and began reading. So, scratch all my New Year�s Resolutions folks (you knew I wouldn�t keep them anyway, didn�t you?). My only goal this year is to become completely organized at home, at work and in the car. I wonder what other psychological obstacles I will find in this endeavor.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness