I'm a lil quirky
4:41 p.m. - 2003-01-11

I've decided this template is not me, but I am too lazy to change it. If you want to read an entry about my kiddo, click here. That's my friend, Joy. She helps me keep my insanity at school. She's a super-cool chick. Another super-cool chick is this gal. This week, she sent me the world's most awesome CD. Thanks, Dixie!If you're wondering my mood is 'worried', it's because my friend Gadfly is starting a new job on Monday, and he hasn't done his laundry. Now, ya'll know that Saturday is my laundry and ironing day. You may not know that I appropriate all outfits and accessories on Saturday. I have a shoe holder bag over the bathroom door, and my daughter's socks and underwear go in there for the entire week. Our outfits are ready for the week; and if I'm feelin' frisky, I may do two weeks worth of outfits. I do a lot of preparing for the week to come so that everything goes smoothly. We cannot allow for delays such as, "What will I wear?" or "Where are my socks?". So, maybe you can see why it makes me come a little unglued that Mr. Gadfly may not have clean socks for Monday. I have to go light a candle for him now.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness