Mamas don't let your babies...
9:53 a.m. - 2002-11-03

I had a 5th grader with a broken heart on Friday. Like he was literally walking around sad and stuff because a girl didn't like him. He's a very intense kid...he reads on a 7th grade level, and he gets all of the things I say and laughs at the right times. So, his homeroom teacher told him that it does hurt, and his feelings are justified. She also told him this would not be his first heartbreak. so true is that? I mean he's just starting out in his life; and yes, he has many, many heartbreaks to come.

One of my 6th graders is already sexually active. She wants to be an Air Force pilot, so I'm trying to get her in ROTC before she gets knocked up. I tried to help her last year, but she has the support of her mother. I actually think that mom is pimping her out. If I could prove it, I'd call CPS. I tried to save her, but she is ruined spoiled, tainted. Even though I explained to her that it wasn't too late to stop, and to think about how many partners she will have had by the time she is in her 20s. She told the other girls that it is okay to have sex as long as you use a condom. Girl, you can't put a condom on your heart, though!! But what kid is going to listen to reason when you are all about the right here and right now?

Wish I could keep them little kids. I want to open a school where the kids live there with me, and the parents can only visit on the weekends for a couple of hours.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness