Some advice for strippers...
9:46 a.m. - 2003-06-05

Oh, the lessons I learn, my friend. So, my neighbor who is a stripper has been asking me to watch her two daughters while she strips. My answer has been no. I say no for the obvious reasons (She may never pick them back up again.). I say no for the not-so-obvious reasons (Alyssa would never go to sleep. I could never get up in the mornings.) Okay, maybe the obvious and the not-so-obvious reasons are skewed; but it's me we're talking to here.

Anywho, she comes over last night crying. Husband stopped child support, rent not paid, must go to work, no babysitter, please just this one time, yada, yada, yada. Okay. Just this once.

They come around 9:00. They were dressed in footie pajamas. They had a filthy pillow with no case. They used the bathroom 999 times. One of them, kept asking me if she could sleep with me ("Oh no. You never get in the bed with a grown-up unless it's your mother, honey." Please God, let her remember that one thing.) Keep in mind that I am a virtual stranger to these two girls. They went to sleep around 11:30. I get a call at 2:48 ("I'm outside."). I wake them up and get them out there. She's with a strange man. She knows no one here. This is obviously a man who was at the strip club, and she has brought him home with her. She has brought him to the door of my 2:48 a.m. A strange man who now knows that I live alone with my daughter.

She gave me $15. It was all ones. I let it air out on the counter all night. Think about where that money was...or don't. It bothered me last night. This morning, I used it to buy donuts.

Yeah, so I will never keep her kids again.

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I am: 37 years old and still ticking

loves: my family and friends

hates: crowds, people who break into your apartment and steal your life

peace and happiness